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Why use our renal models ?


Express all major renal transporters and other functional properties


Available in versions modelling all pre-clinical species


Extensively validated on DDI and nephrotoxicity test compound

Kindey tissue models

aProximateâ„¢ Proximal tubule cells

aProximateâ„¢ is a validated, near physiological renal transporter model for use in drug transport and renal toxicity studies.

Immunofluorescence microscopy of aProximateâ„¢ human proximal tubule cells displaying ZO-1 staining to visualise tight junctions
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A fully differentiated, primary podocyte cell model isolated from fresh kidney tissue for the assessment of drug-induced renal toxicity as well as glomerular permeability.

Glomerulus section stained with Toluidine blue
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Newcells offering in kidney

Dr Kathryn Garner, Head of Kidney Development

Working with us

Timely service

Our ethical and secure primary tissue supply chain enables us to run studies and produce products to meet customers important and demanding timelines. We process multiple primary tissue every month meaning order-to-data response times can fit with the most demanding of customer deadlines.

Model validation

Our kidney tissue models are well-characterised and rigorously validated to ensure the generation of robust and comparable data predictive of in vivo renal physiology. Our clients also value our scientific expertise supporting the experimental design as well as the analysis and interpretation of data.

How we support our clients

By providing predictive data, we give our clients confidence in their key decision processes using our renal transporter models. Our service enables identification of cross-species differences in renal drug handling, identification of clinically relevant transporter-mediated Drug-Drug interactions and assessment of drug-induced kidney damage.

Our expertise

Our team have an in-depth knowledge of kidney physiology, cell-based models and assay development. They have designed and completed hundreds of studies on novel compounds using the unique renal models and provided interpreted data sets to customers to advance candidates into the clinic. Working under a QMS environment, the data and reports have been used to support regulatory submissions.

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