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In Vitro Models

Our scientific experts have validated and optimised our complex and functional tissue models for several applications within the drug development process

Predictive models used in our services or available to purchase as a product


Retina Models -
Organoids and RPE

Models of the retinal neuro- and pigmented epithelium for use in modelling of retinopathies and safety studies

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Models of the Kidney Nephron

Models of the retinal neuro- and pigmented epithelium for use in modelling of retinopathies and safety studies

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Lung Airway Models

Models of the retinal neuro- and pigmented epithelium for use in modelling of retinopathies and safety studies

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Who we are

We are experts in building and applying complex models of human tissues for drug discovery.

We are cell biologists, tissue physiologists and assay development scientists focused on building models that balance complexity, functionality, throughput and efficiency to improve the predictive power of in vitro data.

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What we do

We carry out in vitro studies or provide products that enable customers to generate data on efficacy, safety and transport to de-risk discovery and development.

Our experts collaborate with customers to design studies to provide data that answer critical questions for pre-clinical drug development. We run the study, provide and interpret the data, or we can supply products and support you in your in-house studies.

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Our Commitment

To improve the success of in vitro to clinical trials translation by developing and validating in vitro models for biomedical research.

We aim to contribute to the development of new innovative therapies by delivering services, products and tools based on our models of human tissues that provide data that informs and predicts how these therapies will behave in humans. Through the wider adoption of this approach, our work will advance the 3R’s policy in drug development.

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