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Newcells Seminar Tour: Moving to IND with predictive models

Newcells Seminar Tour: Moving to IND with predictive models TEST TEST


18th September: Basel, Switzerland

19th September: Cambridge, UK

1st October: Boston, MA - USA

3rd October: San Francisco, CA - USA

Join the Newcells scientific experts for a morning of scientific innovation , networking and focused 1-2-1 discussions about predictive models for drug discovery.

Welcoming you on the day:

Dr Colin Brown – Chief Scientific Officer

Dr Valeria Chichagova – Director of Technology

Dr Megan Webster – Head of Lung platform

During this event you will have the opportunity to

  • learn about the latest innovation about predictive  in vitro models   of the kidney, retina and lung predictive and their applications
  • discover ways to interrogate the models to obtain the data you need to confidently progress your compound
  • discuss your specific projects. Pick the brains of our team in a confidential 1-2-1 session

Topics of the talk include

  • Retina: Maximising predictability with functionally validated models
  • Kidney: Taking control of the future of your compounds through toxicity and efficacy studies for antibody conjugates, antisense oligonucleotides and large molecules
  • Lung: Achieving more precise assay readouts with high content imaging and functionally validated disease models

We will discuss the latest technology advances from the team and their applications.

Basel – Switzerland –  18/Sep/24

Cambridge – UK – 19/Sep/24 

Boston – MA  – USA – 01/Oct/24 

San Francisco – CA – USA – 03/Oct/2024

9:00 - 9:30 Sign-in and coffee
9:30 - 12:00 Retina models innovations
Gaining in depth knowledge from lung in vitro models to accelerate drug discovery
Assessing drug toxicity and efficacy in the nephron. Insights from ASO, antibiotics and large molecules testing.
12:00 - 12:30 Networking Lunch
13:00 - 17:00 1-2-1 Meetings
Register for the seminar tour here

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