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Lung ciliary beat frequency analysis


  • Human Small Airway Epithelial Cell (SAEC) Model


  • Ciliary beat frequency analysis on SAEC model


  • 6 to 8 weeks

In Vitro Ciliary Beat Analysis for Lung Small Airway Epithelial Cells

The lung ciliary beat frequency analysis in vitro assay helps assess cilia function for predicting mucociliary clearance, the extent of respiratory disorders, and evaluate drug efficacy, dosing, sustained effect and safety in the lung’s small airway epithelium.

The assay uses the physiologically relevant lung SAEC cultivated under ALI culture to reliably predict in vivo results. It has been functionally validated and streamlined to accurately provide sensitive analysis of multiple functional parameters of beating cilia and can be run in conjunction with the SAEC toxicity assay to provide more data.

High-definition videos of beating ciliated cells are captured using an optimized setup designed for increased sensitivity. This setup employs Newcells’ proprietary CiliaBeat software, which quickly generates accurate datasets. These datasets provide detailed, unbiased insights into the effects of drugs on the activity of SAEC and the frequency of beating cilia, enabling confident decision-making.

Assay outputs

  • Ciliary beat frequency
  • % Area covered by active cilia
  • Histogram of ciliated cells beating frequency distribution
  • Heatmap of active ciliated cells distribution with color-coded beat frequency
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Functionally validated

Rapid analysis for fast acting compounds

Multiple readouts for comprehensive insights

Lung ciliary beat frequency analysis

Quantitative, rapid and comprehensive assessment of lung small airway cilia function for lead compound selection


Evaluate drug effects on small airway ciliated cells


Assess compound safety/efficacy


Get a high-sensitivity dataset of beating cilia

Outsource your experiments to us Close Open
  • Leverage our in-house developed CiliaBeat software to gather reliable, predictive data and proceed confidently to in vivo studies
  • Our scientists work closely with you to design and carry out experiments tailored to your hypothesis at our state-of-the-art facilities before delivering a comprehensive study report
  • Gain fast and dependable study data that offers crucial insights into the effect of your compounds on cilia activity of lung small airway cells by leveraging our high-sensitivity ciliary beating assay service 
Assay Design
Cell Type Primary lung SAEC model that includes all major cell type of the lung epithelium:
1. Basal cells
2. Club cells
3. Goblet cells
4. Ciliated cells
Species Human
Assay Format 24-well ALI
Assay Readouts 1. Ciliary beat frequency
2. % Active ciliated cells area
3. Ciliated cells beating frequency histogram
4. Beating cilia heat map
Biological variation N=2 validated donors
Technical replicates N=6 technical replicates
Assay treatment window As per study specifications (up to 42 days)
High-sensitivity, easy-to-read datasets Close Open

The ciliary beat frequency analysis assay can detect changes in frequency as low as 0.25 Hz so that you can identify the most efficacious compounds to progress through the drug development process. The CiliaBeat software simplifies the interpretation of large datasets, offering a clear overview of how compounds affect beating. This facilitates quick decision-making and accelerates the drug development process.


Disease modelling of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Close Open

COPD in vivo conditions can be replicated with the treatment of the lung SAEC model with IL-13 and the ciliary beat frequency analysed to predict clinical translation of drug efficacy.

Validation of COPD disease modeling is demonstrated by changes in active cilia and ciliary beat frequency due to IL-13 treatment of SAEC cultures is demonstrated through the (A) heatmaps and (B) ciliary beat frequency (C) % Area covered by active cilia and (D) Integrated Cilia activity with changing IL-13 concentrations generated using CiliaBeat software
Anti-inflammatory compound testing Close Open

Anti-inflammatory compounds like Procaterol (a β2-adrenergic receptor agonist) can be tested to measure their impact on ciliary beat frequency and the percentage of active cilia. This helps determine their effectiveness in reversing COPD-like conditions modeled with IL-13.

Dataset showing effect of Procaterol on IL-13 treated SAECs A) Heatmaps showing increase in active cilia and beat frequency with Procaterol dose B) Increasing CBF with time C) and D) Increase in active cilia and beat frequency with change in Procaterol concentration
Analysis of compound with rapid effect Close Open

High-speed imaging and data acquisition enables the analysis of compounds that have a rapid effect cilia beating. Drug molecules like Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) that impact ciliary beating within seconds of treatment initiation can be analysed using real-time tracking over a specific region of interest.

Catalogue Reference Close Open
Sku no. Offering Format Species Readouts
Ciliary beat frequency analysis assay LSCBF0000H 24-well Transwell Human Ciliary beat frequency, % active ciliated area, ciliary beat frequency distribution & active ciliated cell distribution with color coded beat frequency

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