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Dr Kathryn Garner

Principal Scientist, Head of Kidney Development

Dr Kathryn Garner joined Newcells Biotech in August 2021 to lead R&D for the Kidney platform. She brought with her expertise in high content imaging and glomerular biology to develop our human primary podocyte model, which launched as a service with the Podocyte Toxicity Assay last year.

Kathryn earned a first-class honours degree in Molecular Cell Biology from UCL in 2008, and a PhD from the same department four years later. From here, she moved to the University of Bristol to carry out her post-doctoral research, joining the group of Professor Craig McArdle in 2014, training in high content imaging and working alongside computer scientists to develop mathematical models of Gonadotropin releasing hormone signalling. Kathryn joined Professor Richard Coward’s group in Bristol Renal in 2016, beginning her journey in renal research funded by Takeda Cambridge Ltd to develop a high throughput assay for ER stress in diabetic nephropathy.  In 2017, Kathryn was awarded a prestigious Kidney Research UK Intermediate Fellowship, which enabled her to use her extensive high content imaging experience to explore the effect of high blood pressure and inflammation on kidney podocytes.

Find out more about the glomerulus model that Kathryn is developing at Newcells here and download Kathryn’s poster to discover how the model has been developed for renal toxicity studies.

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